1.2mm thick pcb fab house, gold plate option?
Jul 11.2019, 18:29:53
I need to do a tiny board . The problem is the places I have PCBs had boards made all do 0.062" thick (1.6mm) boards and have a minimum size for the board. A board that thick just won't fit the slot.
The board needs to fit a slot so it needs to be 1.3mm max thickness, 1.2 mm seems to be the closest standard thickness. They would also have problems with the size of the PCB its tiny at 6.75 mm x 18.5 mm. Gold finish on one side would be a definite plus, but not a deal breaker.
Anyone know a good place to get 10 tiny thin PCBs made?
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Jul 12.2019, 17:10:07
usually boards that small would be tab routed or v-scored, well, PCBGOGO can help you if you trust us.