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Files Requested for PCBA

Some files are requested when you place your PCBA order in PCBGOGO.

PCB file:    

PCB file should be provided when you need PCB assembly services. PCBGOGO accepts Gerber file

(RS-274-X), .PCBDOC, .PCB, Eagle file and etc. These listed files are required for PCB fabrication, testing and stencil production; and will also be used to test the boards after soldering is completed.

Online Gerber Viewer

Bill of Materials (BOM):

BOMs usually have the normal default information such as reference silkscreen legend, specification, manufacturer and manufacturer part number. In addition, it is highly desirable to include supplier part numbers like Digikey, MOUSER, RS etc.

Download BOM list templates


Pick & place machine placement data:

It is essential to send us the pick & place machine component placement data. This data will be used in PCBA production process by automatic PCBA machine.


There will be columns for:

★ Surface Legend (top or bottom)

★ X/Y coordinate of the centre of the part (centroid data)

★ Part number

★ Rotation (theta)

★ In order to assemble your PCB smoothly, you could offer us some documents like 3D design file, schematics etc. to guide our PCBA process.

Download Pick&Placement templates  

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