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Building funcional test bench for PCB boards
720 1 Oct 25.2019, 17:31:51

I am looking to build a bench to do functional testing on some boards. The boards have a significant number of terminal block connectors. Various input sequences are generated using a DAQ board located in a PC and the response is read at board's outputs using the same DAQ board. The number of cables running to a test board is about 38 without power and Ethernet. One DAQ board can handle two such test boards.
In order to save space I am thinking to use a tall 19" rack and sliding shelves. Each shelf should hold two test boards. The issue is about bending those cables every time I pull the shelf to setup a board then push it back to start testing.  Considering I might test a significant volume of boards, I need a good solution to protect the cables from breaking and have them last for a high number of pull/push sequences.
There is a DIN rail holding the 100pin cable from DAQ to a specialized 100pin terminal block. On the same rail I have the additional 2 Ethernet and 2 power supply terminal blocks. From this DIN rail I route 76 of AWG 24 cables to the test boards plus 2 Ethernet and another 2 AWG 20 cables for power supply.
The issue is pulling the shelf. It will slide out for about 40cm. All cables should slide for the same distance. When pushed back, these cables should nicely go back with a minimum strain/stress. The idea is to function for a high number of test board replacement without breaking.
I have the option to either have the 100 pin terminal block fixed on DIN rail or to have it mobile, attached to the shelf. If the latter then the tension will no longer be on the 76 separated wires but on the thick cable used to connect the DAQ board to the terminal block. Power routing for test boards and Ethernet can again be either fixed on the DIN rail or mobile with the shelf. 
I'm not sure what would be the better idea or perhaps there are other/better solutions?

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Oct 26.2019, 10:50:28

A test fixture should sit rigid on a bench because the board-under-test is pushed onto the bed of nails, unless you are plugging/unplugging all these terminal blocks and connectors every time? That's a repetitive-stress  injury for anyone doing it all day.
If your setup time to install/remove a board is several minutes, then limited payoff having multiple test stations.

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