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Buried vias and their effect on PCB cost
1090 1 Jan 07.2020, 17:06:34

I'm trying to get a quote from a PCB manufacturer in China but their form is a bit confusing to me. There is a box asking me if I have lined or buried vias and then there is a selection box asking for "times of buried via" I'm not sure what this means I can choose between one and 5 and the price increases steeply each time I add one. Are they asking how many types of buried via I have? In this case it would seem that have completely through vias is much much cheaper?

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Jan 15.2020, 10:13:29

if you make a 4 layer board you can maximum have 1 buried vie : layer 2 to 3
IF you make a 6 layer board you can have max 3 types : layer 2 to 3 , layer 4 to 5 and layer 2 to 5.  OR , if the stackup is different : 3 to 4 and  2 to 5. this depends on the stacking order. first case makes two double side pcb's. one holding layer 2 and 3 , one layer 4 and 5. these get glued together , then redrilled to make 2 to 5 connection.  second case starts with a doublesided board holding layr 3 and 4 , then two single sideds are added forming 2 and 5. 
Make an 8 layer board ... 3 cores and a stackd rill : 4 buried types.   use sequential : 3 types
and so on.
it depends on the layer stack

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