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Can we get tombstoning of our capacitor and resistor?
1072 1 Nov 16.2019, 11:19:53

Please advise if we will get  “tombstoning”  if we remove the thermal reliefs to the pads of the following components..
The component ringed in yellow is an 1812 ceramic capacitor.
The component ringed in red is a 2010 chip resistor.

We want to simply merge the left hand pads of these components completely into the surrounding thermal copper pour. (for better  cooling of the components).  However, as you can see, the right hand pads of these components have less copper attached to them. If we merge the left hand pads completely into the thermal copper pours, then will the right hand pads heat up more during the SMT soldering process, resulting in the  components tombstoning?

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Nov 21.2019, 11:19:54

Nah.  Components that big don't lift off.
Head-on-pillow or wetting failure is possible though.
More to the point, if you measured the temperature of the junction both ways, you'll notice maybe a 1°C difference.  Better to have the improved assembly.

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