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Creating a new EDA package
519 1 Jul 17.2019, 09:07:18

For a while now I've been wondering if I'm not the only one who's very unhappy with the current state of free PCB tools. Isn't there any group of people making a modern open source package that feels as natural as using Inkscape? Have they all tried and failed? Are there good programmers reading this and interested in forming just such a group?

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Jul 17.2019, 09:46:45

Dont make the mistake that a pcb design tool is just anther drawing package ...
This is the mistake geda and kicad already made and now are sort of trying to correct...
They do not listen to users and are missing features.
The goal of a pcb tool is not only to enable the user to do the layout work , but also to crosscheck the rules in real time , and perform all the tedious post processing post-layout ( silkscreen cleanup , soldermask and pastemask manipulations, assembly data generation ) and meshing with the 3d mechanical world.

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