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Disposing (or Regenerating) Sodium Persulphate etchant
683 1 Nov 30.2019, 11:06:23

Having been using my first batch of persulphate for a month or just over its finally given all it can give and won't etch any more! I realise that obviously I can't just pour it down the drain, so my question to the experts is what can I do with my expired etchant?
I have read on some other forums found from google searches that you can do some kind of electrolysis to regenerate the persulphate to use again? Has anyone had any experience with this?

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Dec 03.2019, 18:30:37

Home users are best neutralising the Ph and then using a local council recycling centre to dispose of, they generally have large containers of oils, paints and solvents. 
Get some litmus paper, add some base to counteract the acid, baking soda is suggested in this thread. once it's Ph neutral I should be safe to add it to the recycling tank at your local tip.
Any aciddity will mix with oils to make soap, salt and water. 
What the council then does with the gallons of mixed chemicals is anyone's guess.
Also ask before you tip it in.

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