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Dongle/pendrive plastic cover - low pressure molding?
737 1 Nov 20.2019, 17:46:10

I'm looking for information about technology of making such enclosures/cases.
Is is low pressure molding?
I have one on the desk and  the material is rather hard plastic not like material on cable plugs.


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Nov 21.2019, 11:24:01

Probably injection moulded in two-parts and clipped or ultrasonically welded together. If it's a hard plastic it's likely to be a styrene of some sort, ABS perhaps.
If you have access to an injection moulding machine (which are not all that expensive secondhand), then it's possible to make an aluminium mould in a small workshop with a hobby CNC milling machine. You could produce about 50 two-part cases in an hour on a cheap mould, though you'd probably glue the halves together to keep it simple.

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