I have this power electronics project which contains a bunch of mosfets and several complex chips (64+ pins) with power pads etc. Due to various constraints, aluminum PCB would be ideal.
I have looked around various websites for "online quote" and could only find single layer aluminum PCBs. I know that more layers are possible, up to 4 or even 8, but could not find any with online quote. For this to work I need a minimum of 2 layers (same side).
I understand this is bit of less-mainstream product, but wondering if it is possible to get a quick quote online. I want it online mainly to save on cost (as manually estimated project will be much more expensive), so, is there any supplier that I can use?
My alternative would be to do a single layer aluminum PCB for mosfets and then add another FR4 board on top, but let's call it Plan B for the moment.
- Comments(1)
Oct 21.2019, 17:42:23
Well, PCBGOGO is specialized in aluminum PCB manufacturer, if you have any question, please feel free to contact us.