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EMI shielding tape - embossed or conductive adhesive?
826 1 Sep 23.2019, 18:00:34

I'm trying to ground the chrome plated pole pieces in a guitar pickup and not having much luck with copper tape that has conductive adhesive. My suspicion is that the conductive spheres embedded in the adhesive are too widely spaced so the narrow 2mm x 60mm contact area is missing all of them. The adhesive is definitely conductive to some degree as I can drag a smooth piece of wire across the adhesive side and hear my continuity tester make a sound.
Does anyone know if the embossed type of shielding tape is likely to work better with thin contact areas. My limited understanding is that the copper has been punched through from the cooper side so that you effectively get a 'through hole' like on a through hole plated PCB, except there's no plating. Unfortunately the datasheet doesn't tell you the pitch between the holes.

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Sep 27.2019, 18:10:42

A picture against a graduated background like graph paper would be worth a thousand words.

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