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Ever had a PCB design refused?
1103 1 Jan 04.2020, 11:28:33

I've only just done my second (ever!) PCB layout to be manufactured properly so I'm still very new to this. Both times I've breathed a sigh of relief when I get the "Your design was accepted and will now go in to production" e-mail! I was curious - has anyone ever had a design not be accepted (for reasons other than a bad gerber file or it was 10x bigger than it should have been or something)? I wonder how much checking they do with design data for ultra cheap boards. E.g. if you used a couple of 5mil traces on a 6mil minimum, would they instantly detect this and refuse to even try and produce it?

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Jan 15.2020, 10:06:51

If you violate the design rules in a way that they can still try to manufacture, they almost always will. If you use a 5mil trace on a 6mil minimum, they won't care, they'll make it anyway. Remember - the minimum is just set by the point at which the yield starts to fall. It's actually often a perfectly valid endeavor to violate this minimum on purpose and just accept the low yield.

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