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High Voltage solder mask recomendations please
857 1 Nov 16.2019, 11:11:16

Hey Group,
I am trying to design a high voltage capacitor where the plates will be constructed out of layers of single sided FR4 or similar pcb material.
I anticipate voltages from 1,000 to 5,000 volts RF and I want to try to prevent arcing.

My question... are there certain types, colors or mixtures of solder mask that would have a higher dielectric strength to help prevent arcing?
thanks for any guidance 

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Nov 21.2019, 11:19:12

Generally speaking solder mask is not regarded as any form of insulation. It can have pinholes (not so likely nowadays) but can be easily damaged. If I was doing this I would look at thin plastic sheeting that could be put between the PCB to whatever it could arc to. This sheet is available at quite high withstand rates

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