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How about soldering?
829 1 Dec 31.2019, 18:06:05

Hello, I am just learning to solder components.  I am soldering a resistor 0201 size.  My question is how to test if my soldering job is sufficient so that the resistor is doing it's job.  So for example, if the resistor looks like it's solderer, I want to know 100% that I did it right.  Is there a way to test with multimeter?  If so, what is the steps to do so.....thanks for your time!

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Jan 04.2020, 11:38:11

You are unlikely to find anything less than gross faults with a multimeter.  A visual inspection under magnification is probably your best bet.  A quick Google for SMD solder inspection criteria will get you descriptions and pictures of what to look for.

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