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How to layout a circuit on a perf board quickly and efficiently?
1195 1 Feb 23.2020, 00:23:10

I'm currently building a few Arduino controlled battery capacity checkers. Each one is capable of testing 3 cells at a time and I searched for a long time trying to find the best solution. I finally found one that was the simplest and did more than one cell at a time.
I currently have built one of them a perfboard and the circuit works great. The problem is is that it took me two whole nights to wire it all. Last night I tried to reconfigure it to make it easier but I'm not having any luck I just keep thinking and trying and redoing it. I thought about using perfboard layout application to help but that takes a long time also...

Does anyone have a way to consolidate the perfboard layout to make it easier and faster? I need to start testing cells as soon as possible and don't have a week or two to build a few of these. I was thinking about doing that dead bug technique I think it's called and just soldering components to each other but the more I think about it the more I keep thinking it's not a good idea cuz it's so complicated. Here is a picture of the schematic and the picture of my first perfboard.. these pictures are the perfboard only halfway completed... so I'm sure you can just imagine what it looks like now with all the components wired up

Any advice on how did you get quicker would be greatly appreciated. I was thinking of maybe taking the Gerber file from the schematic and extruding all the connection lines( not sure what they're called) but excluding them and I 3D print and using conductive paint for the low amperage lines and then using wire just for the load coming from the battery but that seems like a whole another project in itself

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Feb 26.2020, 09:34:00

I create a board layout from the schematic and use that as a wiring diagram, what’s more,you can make homemade boards if your going to make several boards. It will save you most of the wiring. This board was made using the toner transfer method.

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