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How to solve via on pad without plugging?
541 2 Mar 07.2019, 09:42:34

There are some vias on pad in my design. I've read some articles and know that these vias should be plugged to avoid solder wicking. However, the board house told me that they can't provide a plugging service. Besides, it's impossible for me to move all the vias out of the pads because of the narrow space.

Can someone help me to find another solution to handle these vias on pad properly? 

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Mar 14.2019, 09:57:36

Is this a land-grid array part, or just a bunch of 2-terminal parts packed together? In the second case, there's another solution: move the parts further apart so you can move the vias off the pads

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Mar 12.2019, 09:35:16

Is this a land-grid array part, or just a bunch of 2-terminal parts packed together? In the second case, there's another solution: move the parts further apart so you can move the vias off the pads

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