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How to specify V-score or tab-route?
1903 1 Mar 13.2019, 18:10:37
When panelizing in Diptrace, how do I specify v-score or tab-route? Do I need spacing between the PCBs for v-score? I assume so for tab-route.

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Mar 13.2019, 18:13:09

Please open "Route -> Layer Setup", go to "Non-Signal" tab and add one custom layer. Name it as you want, for example "v-scoring". Close layer setup.

On drawing panel, find and select new layer from drop-down box. Choose shape type (line, polyline, etc.) and draw new shape on design area.

Finally, right click on the shape and select "Do not panelize" from submenu.

Export v-scores to separate Gerber file and include to other Gerber files.

I think you don't need extra space between board outlines and v-score if there is no copper objects too close to board outlines.

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