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Insignia ns-str514 receiver no change in very low volume
297 0 Dec 18.2019, 11:46:05

What's happening is the volume isn't getting amplified when the volume is turned up. The volume change registers on the front panel, but the output remains the same. I hooked up an oscilloscope, the signal is getting through, but in the mV range. I initially ruled out the volume knob losing connection somehow due to the volume registering as changing on the front panel, but can that be wrong? I also thought after I opened it that two huge capacitors leaked, 6800 uF. Looking online for an example of a power amplifier circuit and came across one that had two larger than the norm value of capacitors, which made me think that they're not charging which is meant to bias the signal?? But I now think the paste on the board is just adhesive since it has a clearly white color, and pictures I've seen of capacitors leaking have a golden brown color to it.  

Thanks in advance for any and all guidance.I'm trying to fix this receiver for a friend. 

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