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Moisture / Drying Parts
721 1 Nov 19.2019, 17:46:17

Looking for some opinions / infomaiton about handling parts before they are are reflowed
how do you go about drying IC's that have a MSL level of 3.. ( 168 hours or less )..   If you are only using them in batches of a few hundred at a time, but want too buy full reels, 1 week rapidly dies..
How difficult it it to keep things dry without having to reseal / vacumn pack all the time?

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Nov 21.2019, 11:22:34

Best solution will depend on your environment.  Which includes the weather, and also your soldering thermal profiles, climate control in your manufacturing area and reliability goals.  The 168 hour number covers everyone, and not everyone lives in a tropical environment, or uses the hottest, highest ramp temperature profiles, and not everyone requires the highest level of reliability.
Dry boxes and dry rooms are a sure fix.  As is re-baking per manufacturers recommendations before use.
For some environments doing nothing works.
Since it takes time and effort to dial in the actual minimum required for your situation I would recommend dry boxes.  They are cheap (can even be easily home brewed) and don't require excessive maintenance.

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