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Need help designing a counter circuit
999 1 Feb 21.2020, 20:35:03

I am currently designing a counter circuit, however, i keep running into issues and a point in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

Components I want to include:
- a 7-segment display and 4026
- a PICAXE and/or a 555 IC (the PICAXE would be used to turn the device off without resetting the 7-segment display)
- an LED to show that the device is on
- three switches: one to reset, one to turn off/on the device and one to add to the count
- possibly a piezo buzzer to read the count on the 7-segment display (?)

I have attempted to make this circuit (it is attached) but did not get very far. Again, any advice would help, thanks.

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Feb 26.2020, 09:29:38

Divide and conquer. Start with getting each individual component working the way you think it should. You may have to substitute a manual switch to isolate one component from another. Make sure your power source is clean and supplying what you think it is. Don't forget to use bypass capacitors on the ICs, and keep your wires short and cleanly arranged.
When you come back, explain what you mean by "did not get ver far". Show some pictures, maybe. It's hard to help remotely without a lot more detail.

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