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Negative photo-resist dry film doesn't stick on PCB!
918 1 Jul 03.2019, 17:43:49

Hello everyone, this is my first topic and hope I'm in the right place.
This isn't my first time with PCB's etching, but, my first time with the negative photo-resist dry film method. I didn't use a laminator (because I don't have one), I used an iron. I saw a dozen of videos on YouTube, people used an iron and it went very good. BUT NOT WITH ME    
After the exposure, and when I put my PCB in the developer, the film simply peels off by itself.
What I tried up to now:
- Different ironing time.
- Different ironing temperature.
- Drying the PCB in the oven after pressing the film with a roller carefully and getting rid of all the bubbles.   
Had anyone had some same issues?
Any help or tip is very appreciated!

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Jul 04.2019, 16:38:42

Tell what are you using for developing and concentration. Also if you don't expose it enough it will peel off as well. This is what should be avoided as much as possible. Surface must be clean and smooth, not rough. If copper is not heavily oxidized, sandpaper should stay away from it.

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