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PCB panel Gerber files
1002 1 Jan 13.2020, 18:05:06

Is there any tool or process you would recommend that can take a standard stack of Gerber files (usually 2-layer, although the potential capability to support 4-layer would be nice) and bring them all together into one set of Gerber files on a combined single panel for fabrication, for fab houses where this is required or economically attractive.
I want to do this in a way that isn't labor intensive, doesn't corrupt or change the existing Gerber files, and takes Gerber files as its input, meaning it is independent of whatever EDA/CAD software is used by different people - Altium, Eagle, KiCad, whatever - as long as they're just able to generate and provide standard Gerbers from their software.

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Jan 15.2020, 10:32:10

There is some software called CAM350. It imports all the gerbers from whatever software you produced your PCBs in, and allows you to do whatever you need to do with panelizing, including your borders, copper theifing, panel fiducials, dril checks, etc. It will also do an automatic step and repeat of your PCB design for you.

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