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Question about PCB etching with vinigar
694 1 Dec 19.2019, 17:46:17

Hi, i am planning on doing a project (an arduino severino 3) and i was looking for a safe way to etch the PCB. I stumbled on a solution that uses vinigar ,hydrogen peroxide and salt, but i could not find a solution that contains only hydrogen peroxide(and H2O) but i found this instead(Pictures attached).
It contains : Aqua(water),hydrogen peroxide(3.1%),alchohol denat, Etidronic Acid, Phosphoric acid, Disodium EDTA,phenacetin, Aloe* Barbadensis Leaf Juice Powder.
So my questions are:
1) Will this work ?
2) Is it safe ?
3) If it will not work, what etching solution can i use that is safe (i don't mind if it is slow), and if possible something easy to find in a supermarket.
Please excuse any orthographic or grammar mistakes english is not my main language.
Also sorry for the poor quality in the pics, it was because of the size limits.


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Dec 30.2019, 17:29:51

hydrogen peroxide comes in various grades.
It is the main ingredient in hair bleaching products.
As a chemical  it is highly reactive and will discolor and burn the skin.. Talk to Your local cosmetics suppliers or manufacturers, you might get lucky and score some less adulterated peroxide.

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