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Same Impedance different trace width
990 1 Jun 20.2019, 18:19:32

Hello All
I am trying to achieve different trace width for same 50ohm impedance in the same layer in a 6 layer board. My current idea is to refer L1 traces having small thickness(5 mils 50 ohm) to L2 as reference,And for thicker traces (10mils 50ohm) to L3 by giving a keep-out in L2(GND) layer and give a GND polygon on L3 for referring L1 with L3. Is it a feasible solution. Any other ideas are welcome.
Please note that thicker trace are for RF. And i have only very little experience with RF voodoo 
L1______________________     ____    ____Top Plain
L2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             >>> GND Plain
L3............................................   .............  .....SIG1 + GND

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Jun 25.2019, 17:39:18

you should not have any impedance discontinuity. for example you have a SMA connector and you want to route the net to a IC's pin.
you should cut the plane under the SMA connector pad (calculate how much you need , now the refrence plane is L3 or L4 or L5) then route a 5 mils line to the IC's pin (now the refrence plane is L2). if your frequency is very high pay attention to the component's pads as well.

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