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Self-Laminating Two FPC halves?
1179 1 Jan 13.2020, 18:06:55

I have a research project wherein I need to place an array of components between two layers of flexible PCB (FPCB). The components, which are piezo ceramics, will be glued with a Henkel conductive epoxy (TBD, but likely an Eccobond). What is involved in the laminating process on a DIY scale for proof of concept? I obviously don't want to crush the ceramics. I think I might have painted myself into a corner... 
It seems I would need a custom plate to avoid crushing my components - or very careful ironing.  Anyone have experience with such a thing?

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Jan 15.2020, 10:34:45

If you are going to laminate you will need a press as large as the complete board, and with a platen top and bottom lined with a soft silicone rubber and with some PTFE sheet ( or other non stick plastic that your particular epoxy will not bond to) to apply a firm pressure while the epoxy cures. You assemble the components and align within the work time and then carefully press together.

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