Hi, I'm designing a little circuit with Orcad. In the schematic flow, I used some external spice models provided by manufacturers. One of the models was a complete the capture Library. However, when i'm going to make the netlist, the utility fails, complaining there is no PCB layout for the part. The part package has inside it some .dra, .step and .PSM models and pcb layouts, but i don't know how to Setup capture to use this information, but I don't know how to provide this information to Capture
Specifically, the parts are a couple of a website,it provides pspice and pcb files in the website, but I don't know how or where to load the PCB files.
Hope you can help me a little
- Comments(1)
Jun 27.2019, 17:36:56
To add footprint information to parts in Capture just double click on the parts and add the file name of the footprint to the property named PCB Footprint.
Schematics used for simulation can easily be used for PCB Layout PSpice components typically have a PSpice_only property set which leaves them out of the netlist - just make sure you haven't added series components because that will give you open connections. Some manufacturer doesn't create schematic symbols that match the physical package of the component for PSpice simulation so check them and verify that they have the same pin numbers.
Another option is to have schematic folders in your project for simulation and others for PCB layout - this way you store all your design information in a single project.
After netlisting place your padstacks (.pad) and footprints (.dra & .psm) in the correct folders - typically your system will be configured to look into the same folder as your pcb layout file (.brd) or in a subfolder named symbols.
This should get you going :-)