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Specifying a V-cut/groove on a PCB. Manufacturing in China?
919 1 Sep 09.2019, 18:16:23

how am I supposed to specify a V-groove on a PCB in a manufacturing data (gerber files)?
I would like to have a bunch of very small (say 40x20mm down to 10x20mm) pcbs manufactured. These are a simple test jigs for various components. I think using for example a larger (say 100 by 100mm) pcb V-grooved into smaller ones makes sense here. It should not add any more cost to manufacturing, other than the V-groove. Am I correct? Or are those Chinese guys going to charge me nonsense for this anyway and should I indeed leave them fully mill out the outline of 100(s) of small pcbs (which on my side I consider a nonsense from a manufacturing stand-point)?
Thank you for suggestion and opinions.

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Sep 11.2019, 09:29:38

Just draw a line on mech layer and write V-cut. it still charge some extra if designs are different. 

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