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Unused pins on very small packages
672 1 Jul 30.2019, 17:56:44

I've got some pads that have come off the board during soldering on an FT232R which is a SSOP28 package.  They've shifted underneath the chip to touch their neighbour.  The pads are for the unused pins.  The pins are unused in the circuit but are not NC inside the chip so they must not touch.
Best general advice for designs?  
It is only pads that have no tracks that are the problem.
Does everyone but me terminate pins or do some of you leave pins disconnected such as I have ?  The pad issue isn't a problem when the pads are a bit bigger of course.  
Could it be a quality issue ??  Perhaps one should have a track leading off into the never-never ..!  A little aerial...
In this case, if one were to terminate each pin with a resistor to ground it would add quite a bit to circuit complexity.

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Aug 01.2019, 17:42:58

Adding a long trace that is floating is going to couple EMI into your system.
Just solder at lower temperature.

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