Why isn’t there some PCB pads soldering adhered?
Dec 10.2019, 17:28:10
Hi all, my board has a problem now.Some pads of the PCB can't have solder adhered, we tried to add more solder, but it fails. Could you tell me whether there is a problem for PCB design or craft? we never having any PCB quality problem before. If any one knows, I would be so so grateful.
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Dec 12.2019, 19:00:40
You likely need to use a strong flux to strip off the oxide layer before the solder gets a chance at reaching the metal, to my eye that looks like an older board you are reworking. Get some flux (tack / gel / pen) deposit some on the pads, and then heat with an iron tip tinned with some solder (the flux may burn off but it will be refreshed by what is at the joint)