I have set 4 layer signal instead of (2 signal later+2 planes).
now my problem is:
I have some sensitive nets as follow:
I can pour polygon around it without any problem (consider with 20 mil clearance)
also I should put ground layer under this layer. but this area should be ground free! this is my problem bcoz the sensitive nets are on the top layer!
- Comments(1)

Jul 12.2019, 17:08:53
You can have the inner layers setup as power planes or as just another layer.
Assuming you have them setup as generic layers,
change to one of the inner layers and create a polygon pour. Select the area (all of pcb if you want) and then you can give it a net in the polygon pour properties window (double click on polygon to get it).
You may also want to setup some polygon rules, you can have the clearance different for polygon pours etc.
You can also lock a polygon pour if you want to avoid clicking on it by accident
or you can shelf it and restore layer,
To create a area within a polygon pour where you don't want to fill, use the 'polygon pour cutout' object. Its in the menu somewhere. It just defines an area where a polygon is cutout and will not fill
If you have your inner layers setup as specific power planes then i'm not sure how you configure those.
I've never bothered to use them in that mode. I prefer the flexibility of generic layers