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where CAN bus resistors in a car?
935 1 Aug 09.2019, 17:47:22

I have done some reading and am preparing for first project.
Gather that require a 120ohm resistor at each "end" of the bus.
My setup, though not large, won't be at all linear and duly wondering where to place the resistors. (See image attached: 1metre scale; 28AWG wires; transceivers at each dot.)

Set me wondering as to where the resistors are placed in a car with many different CAN transceivers and quite a bit of wiring?

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Aug 10.2019, 11:55:20

That's not how you wire can ....
Most can buses in cars are point to point without side taps. if there are side taps then they use a daisy chain configuration with terminators only at the ends.

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