
Electronic Project Engineer's Best Partner!
6548 1 Feb 26.2014, 15:14:00

A via on a printed circuit board, or PCB, is a conducting hole that connects two conductors on the two sides of the board. Vias are generally added to the PCB layout during the design phase and are produced during the PCB etching process. However, they can also be produced after the PCB has been etched. It is a good practice to work on vias before the PCB is populated with electronic components since it may involve drilling holes as well.


1 Mount the PCB on the drill machine board with clamps. Make sure that it is firmly secured.

2 Install a drill bit in the drill machine and position it on top of the first via position on the PCB. The drill bit must be right on top of the via and in the middle of its pad.

3 Put on the safety glasses and the ear muffs.

4 Turn the drill machine on and slowly lower it using its lever until the drill bit comes out of the other side of the board. Slowly retract the drill up while it is still running. Turn the drill machine off as soon as it reaches its nominal position.

5 Drill all via holes using the same procedure and take the board out when completed.

6 Clean all holes from both sides of the board using alcohol swabs.

7 Turn the soldering iron on and set it at a temperature of 450 degrees Celsius.

8 Cut a 2-inch long piece of tinned copper wire and insert it through one of the via holes so that half of it is on each side of the board. Bend the wire flat on one side of the board and put the board on a flat surface so that the bent-wire side is facing down. Make sure that the wire does not fall off while putting the board down.

9 Hold the tip of the soldering wire at the intersection of the via pad and the wire coming out of the corresponding hole. Touch the intersection with the tip of the soldering iron. The solder will melt and flow to the pad. Retract the soldering iron tip and put it back in its holder.

10 Cut the excess wire off using a cutter.

11 Turn the board over and repeat the soldering process on the other side of the via pad. Cut the excess wire off using a cutter.

12 Repeat this process for all vias on the board.

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Dec 02.2024, 10:28:15

The exploration of DIY PCB vias is fascinating, as it empowers creators to enhance circuit designs effectively. The practical tips you shared can truly inspire innovation. Companies like pcbway, AnyPCBA, and jlcpcb provide excellent services for those looking to bring their designs to life.

