The Automotive Sensors division of PCB Piezotronics announces the Series 3713 triaxial DC-response accelerometer, which provides micro g resolution and ±5000 g pk shock survivability. You can use the gas-damped accelerometer for a variety of noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH) and vehicle durability measurements in automotive and off-highway applications.
The Series 3713 offers several full-scale acceleration ranges from 3 g to 200 g, with frequency response from DC to 1500 Hz (±10%). The sensor—a 1-in. cube in a welded titanium case—incorporates built-in conditioning electronics that provide amplification to the sensing elements and temperature-compensated output, with a choice of hermetic connector or integral cable.
Applications for the Series 3713 accelerometer include brake deceleration compliance certification, vehicle radiator and air cooler durability testing, roll stiffness/static rollover threshold tests, vehicle and component test chamber instrumentation, and NVH and multi-axis motion test platforms.
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Dec 03.2024, 09:24:08