BBB Custom Cape Display and CAN bus
Jun 10.2024, 17:21:47
Overall, the quality of the assembly was good, I was concerned earlier whether the final board will be aligned well or not to put on the main board. The soldering of the male header especially was well done and clean, among 92 pins only like 3 or 4 pins have the remaining solder tin, but it can be easily cleaned later. That said, I'm glad funcion-wise the board was working. I'll definitely order PCB again in PCBGogo in the future.

BBB Custom Cape Display & CAN busA custom cape for Beaglebone Black for interfacing to 4D Capacitive Touch Display and a CAN bus transceiver. The capacitive interrupt pin was moved to another pin due to it conflicts with the can bus pin. This is my first-time designing a board with custom shape (not the usual rectangular), and I'm glad it works. The quality of board manufactured by PCBGogo was good, the cut was neat, although there're some white stain, but it can be polished with some cleaning agent.367 0 Jun 10.2024, 17:16:28
io pcbgreat job.thanks913 0 May 24.2024, 09:28:24
CNC_TMC5160 2.0Well received, thank you Magdi2030 0 Mar 25.2024, 21:39:52
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Oct 16.2024, 15:10:26
Integrating a display with CAN bus functionality can open up many possibilities for monitoring and interacting with various Temple Run 2 systems.