Battery pack flex heater
Mar 08.2018, 21:36:22
Flex heater for 8-Cell LiFePo4 battery packs connected to solar panel, to keep it charging under 0o ambient temperature.

Nixie clock projectThis nixie-clock uses 12 tubes, which will show/alternate date and time. Tubes are mounted on separate boards, using slot connectors. Most components are SMD.5993 0 Mar 04.2018, 19:31:39
Famicom ModsI wanted to change the RF signal to AV and needed to not be independent on the old fashion power supplys. So I looked for the AV mod, checked the voltage on several points and rebuild the pcb. And it works great!7140 0 Feb 24.2018, 00:31:26
controller 3good3289 0 Feb 19.2018, 04:03:53
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