Bee scale NB-IoT
Jul 18.2018, 01:18:06
This is scale that measures hive weight and send over GSM NB link

High voltage gain boost converter based on voltage lifts techniquesHere are the photography of prototype. The conversion ratio of boost voltage with voltage lifts capability can boost up to 4 times higher than the traditional boost converter. It is simply added two more L and C resonant circuit plus additional diodes to control the current flows for achieving this circuit operation.5955 0 Jul 15.2018, 08:46:30
Validador_2018Contactless smart card reader to instal on buses and allow the trip cards.3312 0 Jul 09.2018, 17:36:23
Audio AmplifierExcellent PCB quality!4308 0 Jul 06.2018, 19:53:03
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