Beer brewing contol and monitoring system
May 31.2017, 00:38:47
The card comprise of a Particle Photon, linear regulator, and connections for one wire sensors, and digital out connections for controlling SSR's. The system is used to remotely control, and monitor a home beer brewing system.
MIDI switcherthis item allows to switch BOSS LS-2 via MIDI7021 0 May 17.2017, 20:45:27
EWM101-R2We had to deliver 50 unit in urgency, we used PCBgogo assembly service for the 1st time. Excellent results : delivery in time, good prices less than 15 working days in total for 70 ordered unit.5603 0 May 10.2017, 21:40:06
Modular SyntheziserPart of modular synthezisers to convert MIDI signal to Control Voltage and TRIG or GATE5034 0 May 07.2017, 14:45:40
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