DSKY-matic Keyboard
Oct 03.2021, 04:14:42
PCBgogo is my go-to PCB board manufacturer. Design review has been fast and has accurately identified issues in the layout prior to manufacturing. PCBgogo's team has been always quick to respond to issues or questions. Shipping has been fast and reliable.

My first PCB orderAll the people at PCBgogo have been super helpful and guided me in how to prepare my files for my first small board. The process was smooth and easy and the results were outstanding. I am very happy with the product and the shipping was faster than I could believe. From China to USA in only 3 days! Wow. I'm working on my second project now and will send my files over soon. Very professional results, I will use them again and again. I highly recommend.996 0 Sep 29.2021, 03:09:25
Optsuper896 0 Sep 15.2021, 15:21:28
Mel LI have only spotted one flaw in 10 boards. See the attached photo. The board on the bottom has some contamination under the solder mask that does not exist on the board above it. The flaw has not caused any problems with the functionality of the board, and I have no idea what the contamination is, so I will reserve judgment for now. The tracks shown are .8mm wide so this is a rather large chunk of debris under the solder mask. This will not stop me from ordering additional boards because the price and turnaround time are both good and the flawed board is functionally okay.993 0 Sep 15.2021, 01:27:35
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