DryMachine PCB
Jan 25.2018, 09:59:05
This is not aproject, we use this controls to all Argentina dry machines.

nodeMCU Slave BoardESP8266 based slave board for controlling power supply based on a central control unit.4486 0 Jan 24.2018, 22:48:25
Level-shifterThe USB to RS232 outputs only 3,3V on TX signal. But the board provides both 5V and 3.3V output for driving external Electronics. The hardware I will use this level-shifter om has also the RX signal inverted. Thats the reasson for only Three Inverter gates. I would likely used four of them on a normal USB to RS232 with level-shift, or maybe an 74HC04 SO. But I allready had these gates and the cheep Silabs USB to RS232 laying in my drawer. Next time I'll redesign and fit all in one PCB. The requirement is a small design. It will be used between a Raspberry Pi 3 and an home appliances in our labratory at my work. BTW... Thank you PCBGOGO for the high quality and Quick delivery of the PCB-boards. You also gave me a few extra boards :) and immersion gold for free.4335 0 Jan 20.2018, 19:25:01
HerculesHercules is a very small size module that cand drive up to four step motor with microstepping tecnique. But at the same time it can be used as a controller or a complete instruments. Drive bipolar motor up to 3A rms and with a supply voltage from 9 to 24VDC (up to 40VDC under request). To change its functionality simply upload a prebuilt binary with a dedicated utility. Many free ready to use functions are available. Is available with different models according to number of controlled motors, connectors or for heavy duty use.5501 0 Jan 17.2018, 14:13:25
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