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Explore-28 MMBASIC processor module with on-board programmer and USB
4211 0 Jun 10.2017, 19:15:35
The Micromite is a Microchip PIC32 microcontroller programmed with the free MMBasic firmware. These chips cost $4 and are 28-pin SOIC. When programmed with the Micromite firmware they make a powerful and easy to program microcontroller that is ideal for most hobby projects. MMBasic is a Microsoft BASIC compatible implementation of the BASIC language with floating point, integer and string variables, arrays, long variable names, a built in program editor and many other features. Using MMBasic you can use communications protocols, measure voltages, detect digital inputs and drive output pins. Special features include the ability to use touch sensitive LCD displays, temperature sensors, distance sensors and more. You can use the Micromite as the intelligence inside any project that requires a medium speed microcontroller but without the hassle of programming in a complex language. .. http://www.thebackshed.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=9623 ... http://www.geoffg.net/micromite.html ... www.rictech.nz ... These PCB's are 4-layer, made by the team at PCB GoGo! :) forum forum forum
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