Filter board
Aug 04.2016, 15:38:52
I have designed a custom filter for an agricultural application (tractors). This PCB, plugged into a relè socket, substitute it 1:1 and add filtering benefits.
The quality of the PCB is very high. I am very satisfied about the ratio quality/price of this manufacturer of PCB.

TermostatA MSP430F2013 based project to control the engine cooling system and the speed of the radiator cooling fan. The temperature measurement can be done using an analog temperature sensor or a digital sensor with I2C. The triggering temperature can be set trough a potentiometer.1665 0 Aug 02.2016, 15:20:25
PIR+GSM ALARM DRIVERI'am using ATMEGA328P-AU to drive everything. :)1574 0 Jul 29.2016, 23:24:50
pinDMD3v3 prototypeJust needed a plain pcb (no copper,solder mask, silk etc...) just plain old fr4 with the holes / slots / cutouts milled out. And pcbgogo did exactly what I needed and for a very good price. The board turned up extremely quick and was EXACTLY what I need and good quality :) Would definitely recommend!1431 0 Jul 29.2016, 19:35:45
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