Intellitrol prototype board
Jan 03.2020, 08:33:16
I ordered PCBs back in february when I started the development of my brushed DC motor controller. The PCB was flawless and had the chance to develop the code for the dsPIC between february and december. I'm about to order the first alpha run, test the manufacturability of my newest design, and my PCB order will definitely come from PCBgogo, the PCBs I ordered were of premium quality and were shipped fastly.

Packet radio 70 cmNPR (New Packet Radio) is a custom radio protocol, designed to transport bidirectional IP trafic over 430MHz radio links (ham radio frequencies 420-450MHz). This protocol is optimized for "point to multipoint" topology, with the help of managed-TDMA. Bitrate is up to 500kbps (net, effective bitrate).1915 0 Dec 18.2019, 20:33:44
SparrowV1Overall all is great. The Thru-hole soldering can be improved.1156 0 Dec 18.2019, 11:59:39
Blitzcomm coil BSuper1081 0 Dec 16.2019, 20:23:00
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