LED Dimmer V1.3
Mar 21.2019, 22:26:40
I am very impressed with the board quality. And excellent service for the second time. I will continue to be a loyal customer. Thank you.

allarm systemexellent pcb1407 0 Mar 13.2019, 18:17:03
ChrystalineGCBest customer service, on time delivery and excellent condition of the goods. Thanks Jarsine !!!1320 0 Mar 12.2019, 13:47:32
Bluetooth LE Development PCBExcellent construction and assembly work done by PCBgogo. Assembly with SOC including pads with 0.4mm pitch (56 connections in a 6.5mm x 6.5mm package), no problems encountered. Highly recommended.2643 0 Feb 20.2019, 08:26:24
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