My first PCB
Apr 08.2019, 21:29:30
Communication with the staff is very responsive.
PCB delivered faster than i expected.
Arrived in good condition.

Axial Flux Permanent magnet BLDC StatorI am impressed how PCBgogo are fast, in support as in fabrication! I sent my design file on Monday 25.04.2019 and I received them on Monday 01.04.2019 (and it's not an april fool ...!). My design specs : - 5 pieces - 150mmm x 150mm - 4 Layers (70um outer and 50 um inner) - 6 mils/track min spacing I'm very happy with the support and the fabrication quality in great !2307 0 Apr 02.2019, 18:08:25
Switch bounce circuitI was thrilled with all aspects of my purchase. From the design validation, through delivery, to a well made circuit board, I am a very happy customer.1680 0 Mar 30.2019, 14:22:56
100W PAgood quality and fast delivery1375 0 Mar 28.2019, 20:09:58
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May 10.2019, 14:31:31
Thanks for you to share this sir,we are very happy let you like us board and service,Also we are very glad to get a second order from you.