Jul 21.2021, 15:17:43
Top quality. Professionnel services. Easy to solve issue.

A72297ASF2_Life Test Monitor PCB02Excellent service and delivered within time. PCB is of excellent quality and price is amazing. Delivery being the largest cost. Would recommend this company to anybody wanting quick product and a great price.2042 0 Jun 10.2021, 01:54:34
Real 8-Bit TinyBASIC ComputerA simple 2-part real 8-bit standalone and programable computer! Inspired by the early 1970s kit systems such as the Mits Altair 8800 or Apple 1. The project is powered by an Arduino Nano micro controller acting as the main CPU, BASIC Interpreter and PS/2 keyboard input, whist a standalone ATMEL AtMega 328p chip acts as the video TV terminal and character ROM. Originally the design used solderless breadboards, but really leant itsself to a full static PCB. Designed using the free open source KiCAD software, the PCB was designed as a simple twin sided though hole design, allowing for the easy home assembly of components with such a normal soldering iron. The quietly of the PCBs produced are outstanding! With a really nice finish and fine printed silkscreen. The boards where reproduced to my designs and after being populated and assembled at on my workbench, the TinyBASIC computer system boot-up first time! Loading into the tinyBASIC interpreter. Overall having custom PCBs made by PCBgogo has been a real boost to this project. The quality, price and service are amazing and extremely good value, especially for small one off production runs. I can highly recommend, and look forward to ordering again for my next project soon! A full build video using these PCBs can be seen at: https://youtu.be/kgNhNSp5fZc2557 0 Jun 09.2021, 17:50:04
Minifeed PCBA slightly modified pcb with extra connectors so I didn't need a new stencil and was not in any great hurry , so I decided to try out China Post shipping . took about 10 days to get to the UK. Thanks PCBGOGO for you reliable excellent service2258 0 May 30.2021, 19:22:34
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