SIHoS v1.0
Sep 21.2020, 17:54:30
The communication with the manufacturer is smooth and I am very impress with the service provided.

Electronique-radioamateur projectWow thanks a lot for this manufacturing. I wrote a little article about your prestation on my blog: https://blog.electronique-radioamateur.fr/test-du-fabricant-de-pcb-circuit-imprime-pcbgogo-une-reussite/ 5 stars!!1969 0 Sep 17.2020, 16:58:22
------muy malo el servicio el producto nunca me llego,nunca confirme la entrega pero ya la dieron por terminada , no hay información de seguimiento , no se donde esta mi pedido1915 0 Sep 15.2020, 03:56:58
Load Tester RemoteI had two boards manufactured at the same time and they combined the shipment without question and charged for the one shipment. Price and quality were great!1782 0 Sep 14.2020, 22:02:36
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