Snow Man
Dec 01.2016, 15:29:08
Small snow man PCB to help teach kids how to solder it contains 3 LED's a small cell battery and a switch
Indicator video generator boardThis board generates a calibration video signal for specific CRT displays.1651 0 Nov 30.2016, 22:02:49
Motor controllerDC motor controller with Arduino interface. Optional encoder signal readback for optimal positioning.1670 0 Nov 29.2016, 19:06:23
Arduino mini pro based Network attached AnemometerPersonal Domotic Project. Use an arduino mini pro connected to an anemometer in order to detect and track the current windspeed, temperature and humidity. Network connection via wifi or ethernet module enable the information log to an home server. Relays connector allow to open or close the motorized awning whenever the wind speed exceed a treshold (or whenever a network message requires it).1915 0 Nov 25.2016, 02:19:23
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