Speeduino engine management
Jan 11.2018, 20:50:06
ECU project

DC IDE extensionIDE extender for better fitting of a 2.5" hdd within a DC, as a noobie project I'm learning a lot from, it's unfinished and I'm quite disappointed with my design, but the quality of the pcbs is ridiculously good3238 0 Jan 09.2018, 11:44:14
TouchArtA PCB-bluetooth is needed for music education.4266 0 Dec 30.2017, 05:51:32
Owl`s clockOwl`s clock is a nixie clock, based on AVR microcontroller and uses six In-14 soviet tubes to indicate time, date, tempetature and etc. Most of components are SMD. This is a home-made project. PCBs made well, quality is good.5847 0 Dec 24.2017, 22:38:51
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