Three different boards for Arduino project
Feb 29.2016, 14:09:27
Because of delivery it was more cost effective for me to get DHL and get all delivered as a single package. The three boards are used in my "robo-clock" project but will also be very useful for many Arduino projects in the future. One allows easy and convenient connections to a 12 bit DAC and audio amplifier via SPI interface. The second board is a general purpose "bus board" that allows me to make multiple SPI and/or I2C connections to a single project. It also has a RTC1307 and SD card breakout connection built in. The third board is a breakout for 2 MCP23S17 I/O expanders organized nicely for RGB leds but not restricted to any single type of use.

Mosfet Dimmer MultichannelMain Processor used is an Atmega2560 that again controls 10 Tiny85's. The dimmer circuit is based around a BUZ41A mosfet controlled with PWM. the PWM is timed with a zero detection circuit to ensure that LED's dim without flicker. This dimmer can dim all electronic transformers and LED bulbs. Max 200W pr channel. Everything is controlled through a WizNet W5100 based ethernet controller. A smartphone app and desktop app is made to control it.2690 0 Feb 25.2016, 18:22:07
Instrumentation systemProject for liquid level control using ultrasounds1553 0 Feb 25.2016, 17:52:38
Automatic irrigation systemautomatic irrigation system: Can communication, 12V motor control, Rfidfor position detection Rf IO transmetting : 6 12v IO transmetting for hydraulic group on tractor IR piloting of oil diffuser1704 0 Feb 25.2016, 03:25:57
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