Universal Z80 Board
Jul 28.2016, 21:24:58
- This Z80 PLATO Universal board can handle any static RAM and any ROM up to 64K by use of jumper settings.
- ROM/RAM pages can be configured via jumpers in 2K pages. The bottom 2K is fixed to ROM. ROM/RAM paging includes address folding.
- The Z80 PLATO board has 2 time bases. One for the CPU and one for the Intel 8251 UART. The UART TxRx clock can be assigned to either time bases. The Z80 CPU system clock can be divided into 1,2,4 and 8 via jumpers.
- On board classic MIDI in and MIDI out interface and classic TTL COM interface.
- The board has 2 wait state jumpers. One for ROM and one for RAM (you never know).
- The Z80 bus is fully accessible.
- Local input output decoded select pins are provided for convenience, no external decoding for I/O necessary. 2 local input output addresses are reserved for the Intel 8251 UART chip on the board.
- On board 12 volts (polarisation diode protected) to 5 volts stabilizer.
- On board non-volatile RAM guard and watch dog chip.
Solenoids driverThe board includes a few logic to activate or deactivate two solenoids connected to the outputs. The 24V solenoids are driven from an output power MOSFET .1460 0 Jul 21.2016, 23:04:58
Test BoardTest Board for automate control1725 0 Jul 18.2016, 14:43:04
Prototype board for testingMedical imaging product1653 0 Jul 11.2016, 21:29:07
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