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For your review: an LCD to rPI prototyping board
1119 1 Apr 10.2019, 11:06:37

Hi all,

Here's my first complex-ish board, it's designed to hook up an ili9341 based lcd to a raspberry pi, while keeping some flexibility (configurable IM<n> flag, some GPIO, and SPI interface to the screen). it's also using SMD instead of TO.

I have 2 large pours: a VCC/3v on the top layer and a gnd on the bottom. I'm sure I could have made my life easier by moving those switches on one side but it looked better that way. I also need the void between the top and the bottom ribbon cable connectors to let the screen sit nicely on the board.

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Apr 10.2019, 13:53:05

What size are those traces? It might just be the scale of the image but they look really small.

From my experience with cheap Chinese board houses that's the lower limit so I would bump it up a little. That looks like eagle so highlight everything, click the wrench in the panel on the left, click width, click something bigger, maybe 10mil? Idk I design in mm. Then right click anywhere in your board and then click change group. After that you might have to move some stuff around to make sure there is no overlap or min trace spacing issues.

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